Ohbaby! Family Feature: Tornados and Calm

The Anderson Family are an inspiration. A visionary creative force; Beks and Greg own the boutique shoe label Chaos & Harmony. They are raising two awesome kids and they support and encourage countless people in their church community and beyond. To read more about their story, check out the latest edition of the OHbaby! Magazine, for which these photographs were commissioned.

Celebrate the little things.

As winter approaches, for those of us with small children, the change of season means (among other things) snot & coughing,  being up in the night to snot & coughing, daily battles to keep warm clothing on our small people as they dance around outside, stripping off layers, professing they are too hot... And thus the cycle of snot, coughing & broken sleep continues.

So when I post photos like these of my beloved small people, I remind myself, and you, to celebrate the little things. Enjoy the moments between the rain, the snot & the coughing. Make the most of your back yard and this fleeting stage of life.

It was one of those days this week. Cabin fever was setting in. We just had to get outside, so I gave the kids each a zip bag and set them an impromptu nature scavenger hunt. We collected leaves of red and gold, flowers of purple and white, clovers, ferns and dandelions. We danced and sang and watched the grey clouds rumble in.

I could say it was one of those perfect parenting moments, But what I didn't photograph was when we'd walked the furthest from home, both kids needed to poo. I didn't have toilet paper so I found myself frantically scavenging for appropriate foliage as the kids squatted. Then the rain settled in.

As a parent, you'll know the feeling all so well. Moments of pure joy and then sh** happens. So we just deal with it and move on. Let's remember to celebrate the little things.

The Gift of Master Crusoe

The road to parenthood is a profound one for all those who journey it. For each of us, that journey unfolds in it's own way, it's own timing, in it's own beauty. Meet the Harpers and their precious gift; Master Crusoe.

"We have waited a long time for Cru. There have been some tough moments during the last few years... He is our little miracle baby, an answer to many prayers!" [New mama] Michelle.

Family life for newborn Tula and her 3 big brothers.

The thing that is special about family photography for me, is the chance to capture points of real connection between family members...  Fleeting moments of perfect joy amongst the (sometimes chaotic) reality of day to day life. Every family has its own dynamic and a unique story to tell. My privilege is to see a glimpse of this story with my camera and preserve it for the family, to keep and share. I spent an afternoon with the superb Dickey family recently who are adjusting to life with a newborn baby girl and 3 energetic growing boys. Thank you Josh and Amy for letting me share in your story.