The Gift of Master Crusoe

The road to parenthood is a profound one for all those who journey it. For each of us, that journey unfolds in it's own way, it's own timing, in it's own beauty. Meet the Harpers and their precious gift; Master Crusoe.

"We have waited a long time for Cru. There have been some tough moments during the last few years... He is our little miracle baby, an answer to many prayers!" [New mama] Michelle.

Family life for newborn Tula and her 3 big brothers.

The thing that is special about family photography for me, is the chance to capture points of real connection between family members...  Fleeting moments of perfect joy amongst the (sometimes chaotic) reality of day to day life. Every family has its own dynamic and a unique story to tell. My privilege is to see a glimpse of this story with my camera and preserve it for the family, to keep and share. I spent an afternoon with the superb Dickey family recently who are adjusting to life with a newborn baby girl and 3 energetic growing boys. Thank you Josh and Amy for letting me share in your story.